Beth 21st May 2020

I first knew Denise when we both started our course of study at Coventry University in 2003. It was during the travel to and from the university that we began to be more acquainted with each other. Our meeting tended to be when we were on foot heading towards the train station. With ruck sack on my back I was energetically striving to get to the train station in a timely manner to catch my train, when i noted this slim tall young woman striding so effortlessly past me and towards the train station. I called to her "young girl". She slowed down and turned around and greeted me. "Oh" she said "I didn't recognise you from the back". I tended to see Denise some distance away so there was an understanding of her comment. This was the first time I had ever seen Denise close up. She looked fresh vibrant and so beautiful. During the development of our relationship it was noted that she was not only beautiful exteriorly but also deeply beautiful from within. She was so kind, so friendly and so understanding for her years. The thought and caring she had for others was demonstrated when she would see someone she thought may need help and would ask: "can I be of any assistance to you"? " can I help you"? Or "You look as though you could do with some help". She would then find herself carrying someone else's bag as well as her own. She was so calm, so gently and so fair and always like to keep her mind rested on the positives in life. She could be firm but in doing so, proceeded in a calm loving way. I had been given an opportunity to present the concepts of Occupational Therapy at Camp Hill Church, Birmingham and asked Denise and another friend to be part of this. Denise was happy to take part. She enjoyed assisting in anything that had a good goal. The presentation was enjoyable and a success. During my relationship with Denise I had the privilege to meet Bev briefly some years ago however, since Denise recent medical trials Bev and I met up again. Again a beautiful woman both in and outside. A woman of faith and a loyal sister to the end spending lengthy hours most days in the hospital at Denise's side. There was nothing that Bev wouldn't do for Denise. Bev I am sure Denise appreciated it. Bev and Denise are both a credit to Mrs Thomas and the family. The Lord knows what is best for us all. Denise gave her soul to the Lord. What a woman of faith. She was so uplifting. There is a spiritual battle for our souls going on right now. We must be aware of this. Let us make the right choice to ensure we enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus whilst on earth faced many unpleasant trials. The Bible tells us if we are to follow in His footsteps being children of God, why do we think we will not also be tried. Let us put on the whole armour of God so that we will be successful in the fight. Denise is truly missed Beth