Yvette 14th May 2020

I remember the first time I was asked by my sister to visit Denise in the QE hospital, and to add her to my prayers. I would see Denise one a week for months while she was in ICU each time laying my hands on her and praying. I will never forget the day as I walked to see her asking God to let this be the day when she would be out of her coma , and it was , she was surrounded by her family, it was a joyous time, I stood there smiling, first thing she said was your teeth is so white, we were all in stitches. I want to thank God for allowing us to have the time with her . My condolences to the family , and friends, knowing that we sorrow not like those who have no hope, for she has now received her crown , and will live in eternity with her God. RIEP Denise till we meet again. Pastor Yvette